Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cuz I'm all about the booty, I mean... Bounty!

Myrinda over at Fabric Hound is having an absolutely fabulous giveaway to celebrate her store's first birthday. Stop over and show her some love and enter to win her great giveaway!! Don't forget to drop by her store too and check out the fantastic sale she's having--especially on those knits!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

My husband, the eternal Sargasm

So today I was browsing the net, looking for something in particular as a favor for a woman I know. She's a little old fashioned and was looking for some hairdo ideas... I just happened upon this:

I thought that the photo was funny... I mean, c'mon. However, I can admire the ability to get someones hair to stay in that shape for any length of time. I'm sure that it's no easy feat. :)

However, my husband's response was different. He's got a mind like a steel trap when it comes to anything science fiction. When I told him that this photo was shot in the 70's he told me to move over: Google Images would yield some gratifying results that were uncannily similar. And then he, rather deliberately, brought up this:

After toggling back and forth between the photos several times I actually started to see where he was coming from. Still, that's awfully cruel. C'mon now and try to tell me he's not wicked...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A New Year and I'm already behind...

Wow. Several weeks since I posted last. A couple of MAJOR holidays have gone by without so much as a peep from me!

Well, all is well here. The kiddos go back to school in less than 48 hours! Time to make sure #1's reading log is all up to date with everything we've read in the two weeks of holiday vacation. Make sure their backpacks are sound for 2009 and come up with a clever little "going forward in 2009" type gift for the teachers. I know it's cheesy, but I think that they expect all of the gift giving to be done right before they leave for Christmas break but I like to welcome them back from vacation with a little something that makes them smile. Problem being that I have one day to find that clever little something and wrap it up for their backpacks. I'm thinking coffee cozies and a little gift card for the local bakery. It's not Starbucks coffee but they make a KILLER breakfast. :)

Oh, the Little One just bumped her head... it's off the net for now!