So today I was browsing the net, looking for something in particular as a favor for a woman I know. She's a little old fashioned and was looking for some hairdo ideas... I just happened upon this:

I thought that the photo was funny... I mean, c'mon. However, I can admire the ability to get someones hair to stay in that shape for any length of time. I'm sure that it's no easy feat. :)
However, my husband's response was different. He's got a mind like a steel trap when it comes to anything science fiction. When I told him that this photo was shot in the 70's he told me to move over: Google Images would yield some gratifying results that were uncannily similar. And then he, rather deliberately, brought up this:

After toggling back and forth between the photos several times I actually started to see where he was coming from. Still, that's awfully cruel. C'mon now and try to tell me he's not wicked...