Well, DH finally found the camera! all of the pictures stored on it were fairly cheesy... and blurry. I do covet those with fancy cameras and I always say that I want/need a better camera but when it comes right down to it, I am SOOOOO bad about being consistent with my picture taking. I go in spurts of taking a picture of anything and everything that I see for a couple days and then the camera goes in the case and doesn't see the light of day for a few months. Yes, months. We really are that bad. Little Sugar Plum Girl is more than a year old and we've not taken a single family photo. Heck, #2 is four and a half years old and we have never ONCE had her portraits taken. We are crappy parents. Supremely crappy parents. Hopefully one day my little girls will forgive our irresponsibility.
Annnnyyyyyhow, here's a super cheesy photo of the Sugar Plum Gurrrrrrruhl! This was right around her first birthday and while I think this looks nothing like her I found it irresistible in it's goofy appeal and felt compelled to share with you all!
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